About us


Wnzi is a well-known organization of Pakistan-administered Kashmir (PaK) which is quite experienced in managing the projects relating to socio-economic development of the area. Wnzi works in partnership with the poorest people of the country, directly enabling them to improve their lives, as well as using knowledge and experience to influence decisions made at a local and national level that can significantly reduce extreme poverty. It has worked in partnership with various national and international organizations who are interested in the social and infrastructure development of Pakistan.

Wnzi over a period of last decade with the help of various donors has accomplished several projects on women in development, relief, advocacy, livelihoods, health, education, capacity building, infrastructure, market support and climate change in Pakistan. Through the experience of working with international donors and the funding organizations based in Pakistan, it has improved its expertise on the successful management of short to long-term projects introduced in various sectors of development.


To achieve sustainable development for communities, notably vulnerable populations, through their full participation.


Wnzi has a good pool of well-groomed, competent and talented program management and planning staff. We maintain a strong systematic approach for program planning and this by following the technical standards specified by our board of directors. Wnzi for the proposed project has already identified the experienced staff with strong professional backgrounds and every effort will be made to conclude project within the specified time frame.

Wnzi has all the capacity to implement the projects as previously it has successfully implemented many projects over a period of last few years. The office infrastructure of Wnzi is already in place for five out of total ten districts of PaK, five districts of Punjab and in two districts of KPK; thus it shows the readily available capacity for managing any project. Lastly through the mandate of different development projects, Wnzi has implemented a number of activities on capacity building of civil society workers and therefore we maintain good professional linkages with many small to large scale organizations


Wnzi Development Foundation (Wnzi) has a governing board which operates by following the true spirits of democracy in routine management. The governing body follows the practice of consulting every member of the board before taking any decision on the policy matters and program development issues. Wnzi owns a simple organizational structure headed by an elected Chairman for a fixed term of three years. The organizational head is actually the permanent custodian of organization and looks after the organizational affairs in routinely manner. Chairman has the legal mandate of managing day to day affairs of organization in support of program section and harmonized coordination by finance and administration department of the organization. Wnzi has the tradition of deciding affairs with complete satisfaction of its all staff members and due process is followed for resolving the critical issues of the organization.


Wnzi is assisted by national and international donors like; USAID, IFAD, UNWFP, UNICEF, SAARC, Give2Asia USA, Ministry of Environment Govt. of Pakistan, The Asia Foundation, Barclays Bank, TVO, British-Kashmiris, Muslim Aid UK and local philanthropists.